President Eyring has told us that our Savior considers us all to be his friends.
DC 84:77- "And again I say unto you, my friends, for from henceforth I shall call you friends, it is expedient that I give unto you this commandment, that ye become even as my friends in days when I was with them, traveling to preach the gospel in my power."
As we serve others for Him, we become His friend. This is an intimate and special title. Jesus Christ is our perfect example of what it means to be a friend and we must follow that example if we are to draw closer unto Him.
Everyday, all around us, there are people longing for the kind of comfort, guidance, and protection that only a true friend can offer. With the Spirit as our companion we can be that friend.
Pray for opportunities to be the kind of friend Christ needs us to be and then watch for those opportunities daily. Let you heart be open to making new friends through your service to them, or to serving old friends, ones you have known and felt close to throughout your whole life. The Spirit will speak to you. Prepare- through daily prayer and scriptures study- yourself to hear the still small voice and be ready to respond.
President Eyring expresses in his first presidency message for the month of July that, "Old friends have reached out to me across the miles and years to offer encouragement when only God could have told them of my burden."
We simply never know who's prayer we could be an answer to.
(based on President Henry B. Eyring's first presidency message "Faithful Friends" July 2010 Ensign)