this blog


To share what I believe with others. And by sharing come to a higher understanding of what I believe.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

President Thomas S. Monson

Our prophet leads us to truth.

"We learn truth when we associate with truth. We adopt error when we mingle with error." -President Thomas S. Monson, Pathways to Perfection (pg. 34)

to find

-we must first have a desire to know for ourselves
-we must study
-we must pray
-we must do the will of the Father

"and then we will know the truth
and the truth will make us free." (pg. 35)

Is the search for truth really all that important?

...there is a natural feeling that urges mankind towards truth

...finding truth is a responsibility placed on each of us

Jesus was sent on his mission here upon the earth to bear witness of truth.

Joseph Smith asked the question, "What is truth?" He had a desire, he studied, he prayed and he followed the will of the Father- and he found truth.

(based on "In search of truth" Discourses of President Thomas S. Monson Pathways to Perfection)

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